The school

Our school emphasizes that everyone should enjoy their time at play and work. The role of Ártúnsskóli, in collaboration with homes, is to support the overall development of students and lay the groundwork for their active participation in a democratic society.
The school's motto is: success, respect, and well-being. The motto reflects the focus of the school activities. We strive for excellence, respect individuals and the environment, and embrace diversity.
Integrated school
Ártúnsskóli is a jointly run preschool, primary school, and after-school program. The primary school has grades 1-7 and grades 8-10 go to Árbæjarskóli. There are about 225 students. About 160 at the primary school and around 65 students at the preschool each year.
Management team
Principal: Ellen Gísladóttir
Assistant Principal: Guðrún Bára Gunnarsdóttir
Assistant Principal of the Preschool Division: Hanna Sóley Helgadóttir
Head of the Support Program: Ásta María Þorkelsdóttir
After-school Program Director: Lilja Hrönn Einarsdóttir
School activities
Operational plan
What's ahead for Ártúnsskóli? You can find several items in the operational plan, including the school's policy for the previous year, teaching planning, and much more.
School curriculum
The school curriculum has detailed information about the school's philosophical emphasis and approach to learning and work.
School rules
The school is a workplace for students. Students attend to participate in school activities and expand their knowledge and perspective. They develop qualities such as following instructions, respecting others, and enhancing self-discipline and self-respect. Students show tolerance, consideration, and a positive attitude toward schoolmates and school activities in their daily interactions.
We, the students of Ártúnsskóli:
- Arrive at school on time and respect the school's schedule.
- Always show courtesy and obey school staff.
- Put in effort and do our work well.
- Take good care of the school and its surroundings.
- Show consideration and tolerance toward each other.
- Reject violence and bullying.
Primary school meals
School meals are free for the 2024-2025 school year. However, the school still needs to track information about allergies and intolerances and limit food waste. Students must register for the school lunch program as before.
Parents/guardians register for the school lunch program in the Skólamatur system and select which weekdays their children will eat. Students should choose the same weekdays each week, such as every Tuesday and/or every Thursday. More information is on the Skólamatur website.

Parent cooperation
We are all in this together, and as the proverb goes it takes a village to raise a child. Reykjavík City schools make targeted efforts to consult with and increase parent involvement in school activities. All schools in Reykjavík City have an active parent association.

Exemption from school attendance
Do you need to apply for a leave for a student in Ártúnsskóli? Here is the application form.
School council
Primary schools must have an active school council that serves as a forum for consultation between the principal and the school community on the school operation. The main role of the school council is to be a forum for all representatives of the school community to consult on school matters.
Evaluation of school activities
The goal of evaluating and monitoring the quality of work is to provide information about school activities, their results and development.
School districts
There are several school districts in Reykjavík and each child has priority in their district school. Ártúnsskóli is the district school for residents of the following streets: Álakvísl, Árkvörn, Birtingakvísl, Bleikjukvísl, Bröndukvísl, Fiskakvísl, Laxakvísl, Rafstöðvarvegur, Reyðarkvísl, Seiðakvísl, Silungakvísl, Sílakvísl, Stangarhylur, and Urriðakvísl.